Roundtable: Simultaneous Arrivals - Perspectives for Co-Experimentation in Artistic Research

Dienstag, 29.10.2024 im Kleinen Saal der Gustav Mahler Privatuniversität


  • Univ.-Prof. Mag. Hanns Holger Rutz, Ph.D., Universitätsprofessor für Artistic Research an der Gustav Mahler Privatuniversität für Musik
  • Nayarí Castillo
  • Univ.-Ass. Daniele Pozzi, MA, Universitätsassistenz für Artistic Research an der Gustav Mahler Privatuniversität für Musik
  • Assoc. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Franziska Hederer, Institut für Raumgestaltung an der Technischen Universität Graz
  • Sophie Fetokaki
  • Andrea Bakketun

The Forschungsforum’s second round table of Simultaneous Arrivals (FWF AR 714-G), an artistic research project on new kinds of interdisciplinary collaborative work, asks if perceivable forms of togetherness can emerge through co-experimentation and the affordances of workspaces. In October and November, the project’s core team works with two incoming researchers at the GMPU’s new quARtier space: Cyprus-based performer, singer, writer and researcher Sophie Fetokaki, and Norway-based Andrea Bakketun, an artist working with movement, video, installation and text. We give fresh insights into the in-situ processes and the inaugural experience with the GMPU’s laboratory.